Our Mission Statement

We aim to alleviate the distress of mental health challenges compounded by financial problems through Relaxia.ai, a platform that integrates AI and human resources. Our commitment is to foster resilience, empathy, and provide inclusive access to vital mental health support, ensuring no one is left behind due to financial constraints.

AI & Humans for Better Mental Health

A Non-profit Project

For those of us who need mental health support! Coming soon...
For sponsorship and kind donations, please contact us at donations@relaxia.ai Thank you!

Get Invitation Code to test our in-house AI chatbot for mental health here...

Would you like to join our team of passionate volunteers?
Areas that you can contribute to this non-profit project:

  • Therapists & Counselors (Willing to offer their services mainly for free or at an affordable price)
  • R&D Team (The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How)
  • Content & Marketing Team (Social Media, Website)
  • Outreach, Donations, & Sponsorship Team
  • IT Team (Web Development [Symfony, Hotwire Stimulus, CSS], Server Maintenance)
Please email us at relaxia.ai@gmail.com

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